2. Encoding Rule Identifier
The SWE Common Data Model 2.0 encoding rule has the identifier "ogcSweCommon2".
3. Conversion Rules
3.1. Overview
The following is a list of schema conversion rules that apply to the SWE Common Data Model 2.0 encoding rule. These are in addition to the common conversion rules.
Since the SWE Common Data Model 2.0 encoding rule has been developed using the GML 3.2 encoding rule as a starting point, it shares a large number of conversion rules with the GML 3.2 encoding rule.
The standard itself lists the following differences from the GML 3.2 encoding rule in Annex C:
Relaxed rule on the mandatory 'id' attribute that is kept optional in the SWE Common Data Model schemas.
Introduced the additional XMI tagged value 'soft-typed', so that soft-typed- properties can be encoded in XML with an additional 'name' attribute.
Added support for encoding certain simple-type properties as XML attributes by introducing the additional XMI tagged value 'asXMLAttribute'.
Use different base type for <<Type>> stereotype (Elements are derived from swe:AbstractSWE instead of gml:AbstractGML).
However, in reality the differences are greater and additional conversion rules have been added to be able to generate XML Schema that reflects the XSDs of SWE Common Data Model 2.0 (note that basicTypes.xsd as it is can only be constructed manually and not by automated conversion).
Note also that SWE Common claims in its Foreword that "all elements are substitutable for gml:AbstractValue (and thus transitively for gml:AbstractObject) so that they can be used directly by GML application schemas." This seems to be an outdated statement as it is not correct.
Rule | Description |
rule-xsd-cls-codelist-asDictionary |
If a the tagged value asDictionary of a code list is not 'true', create a global type for the code list; otherwise reference code list values using gml:CodeType |
rule-xsd-cls-noPropertyType |
If a the tagged value noPropertyType of a feature type, class, data type or union type is 'true', the property type creation is suppressed |
rule-xsd-cls-byValuePropertyType |
If a the tagged value byValuePropertyType of a feature type or class is 'true', an additional by-value property type is created |
rule-xsd-pkg-gmlProfileSchema |
Include gmlProfileSchema appinfo, if the tagged value is set on the application schema package |
rule-xsd-prop-defaultCodeSpace |
Include defaultCodeSpace appinfo, if applicable |
rule-xsd-prop-inlineOrByReference |
Take tagged value inlineOrByReference on properties into account when setting the type of a property element |
rule-xsd-prop-reverseProperty |
Include reversePropertyName appinfo, if applicable |
rule-xsd-prop-targetElement |
Include targetElement appinfo, if a property is byReference |
rule-xsd-cls-global-enumeration |
Convert enumerations to global types |
rule-xsd-all-naming-swe |
Use the naming strategy for schema components as specified by SWE Common Data Model 2.0 |
rule-xsd-cls-standard-swe-property-types |
Use the strategy for property types as specified by SWE Common Data Model 2.0 |
rule-xsd-cls-union-as-group-property-type |
Encode <<union>> types as groups |
rule-xsd-prop-xsdAsAttribute |
Support tagged values xsdAsAttribute / asXmlAttribute |
rule-xsd-prop-soft-typed |
Support tagged value "soft-typed" to encode properties as XML elements with a generic element name but provide a "name" attribute for further disambiguation. |
rule-xsd-prop-initialValue |
Support default and fixed values |
3.2. rule-xsd-cls-codelist-asDictionary
If a the tagged value asDictionary of a code list is not 'true', create a global type for the code list; otherwise reference code list values using gml:CodeType
3.3. rule-xsd-cls-noPropertyType
If a the tagged value noPropertyType of a feature type, class, data type or union type is 'true', the property type creation is suppressed
3.4. rule-xsd-cls-byValuePropertyType
If a the tagged value byValuePropertyType of a feature type or class is 'true', an additional by-value property type is created
3.5. rule-xsd-cls-standard-gml-property-types
Reuse property types or create anonymous property types according to GML 3.2
3.6. rule-xsd-pkg-gmlProfileSchema
Include gmlProfileSchema appinfo, if the tagged value is set on the application schema package
3.8. rule-xsd-prop-inlineOrByReference
Take tagged value inlineOrByReference on properties into account when setting the type of a property element
3.12. rule-xsd-all-naming-swe
Use the naming strategy for schema components as specified by SWE Common Data Model 2.0
The difference to the GML 3.2 naming strategy is that a new abstract base type / element is used. A custom base element "AbstractSWE" and a base type "AbstractSWEType" is used for all complex types in the a SWE-Common-based schema.
3.13. rule-xsd-cls-standard-swe-property-types
The conversion rules for reusing existing or creating new property types are similar to those in GML 3.2, with the following differences:
SWE Common specifies its own swe:AssociationAttributeGroup attribute group and swe:ReferenceType with a similar content model as the GML 3.2 equivalents.
Property values from a code list are referenced using Xlinks like in the GML 3.3 encoding rule.
Soft-typed properties are treated differently, see rule-xsd-prop-soft-typed.
3.14. rule-xsd-cls-union-as-group-property-type
<<union>> types are encoded as groups and property types reference these groups.
For example, the <<union>> Quality is
<group name="Quality">
<element ref="swe:Quantity"/>
<element ref="swe:QuantityRange"/>
<element ref="swe:Category"/>
<element ref="swe:Text"/>
<complexType name="QualityPropertyType">
<sequence minOccurs="0">
<group ref="swe:Quality"/>
<attributeGroup ref="swe:AssociationAttributeGroup"/>
3.15. rule-xsd-prop-xsdAsAttribute
If the tagged value 'asXMLAttribute' (or 'xsdAsAttribute') is set to 'true' on a property, the property has a maximum multiplicity of 1 and the value of the property is simple, the property is converted to an XML attribute instead of an XML element.
For example, the property "referenceFrame" in Vector is encoded as:
<attribute name="referenceFrame" type="anyURI" use="required"/>
3.16. rule-xsd-prop-soft-typed
Properties with a tagged value "soft-typed" with a value "true" are encoded as XML elements with a generic element name but provide an additional NCName-valued "name" attribute for further disambiguation.
For example, the property "field" in DataRecord is encoded as:
<element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="1" name="field">
<extension base="swe:AbstractDataComponentPropertyType">
<attribute name="name" type="NCName" use="required"/>